The imminent merging of cloud storage and blockchain technology is exciting news, and you’re going to be hearing a lot more about it in the coming months!

The imminent merging of cloud storage and blockchain technology is exciting news, and you’re going to be hearing a lot more about it in the coming months!
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) allows you to focus on what you’re best at in your business and offload other important work to those who know how to handle it with a level of expertise and capability that you don’t have. In order to fully understand the benefits...
Improving accounts payable with a customized workflow.CarDon & Associates is a leading provider of inspired living and compassionate, long-term health care for seniors in Central and Southern Indiana. 15 locations Headquartered in Bloomington, Indiana The...
More productivity & efficiency through scanning. Dramatic productivity improvements through time saved searching for and accessing documents.
Barry Carr, national sales director, gives us the lowdown on business process outsourcing – Imaging Office Systems.
John Schrader manages our IT infrastructure and leads development of the technology solutions on which our customers depend. March 2021 will mark John’s 34th year with the company, and he’s busier than ever these days managing the intricate details of the rollout...
If any of our customers have a difficult problem, a technical question, or need to pick up file boxes from two different locations, in two different states within 24 hours, chances are Jim Reed will be on the spot doing whatever has to be done. Our director of...
We covered a lot of topical ground in our blog this year, and not surprisingly, much of it surrounded the central theme of “what should we do now” as the COVID-19 pandemic swept through our world and changed the way business is done perhaps forever. Although we may be...
In the very near future, a new type of digital divide will materialize between businesses that have embraced cloud technology as an integral part of their business...and those that haven’t. In fact, the divide is already forming—exacerbated by the pandemic. The...
Barry Carr, national sales director for Imaging Office Systems, talks about the signs it may be time to upgrade your cloud computing infrastructure.