The Total School Document Management System: Skyward SIS and FileBound

by | Dec 23, 2019

With an ever-increasing amount of data being generated, schools systems across the country are looking for ways to better manage access, consolidate work processes, and improve efficiency. With a cloud-based document management system, this kind of streamlined workflow becomes entirely achievable for most school systems.

The Imaging Office Systems team has decades of experience developing document management systems for schools, and in this post, we’ll discuss a combination solution we often implement for our educational customers: Skyward SIS and FileBound.

Skyward SIS Manages the Data, FileBound Enables You to Do Things With It

Skyward SIS gives educators the data they need to help students achieve their educational potential. Filebound, meanwhile, enables educators to take action based on the data. For example, FileBound can link all relevant documents to a student’s profile within Skyward SIS, ensuring teachers and administrators don’t have to spend time searching for other important data associated with a student that may be generated by another department or teacher. With a Skyward/Filebound solution, all documents related to a given student are instantly accessible from their profile.

Efficiently Allocate Resources and Make Better-Informed Decisions

Countless school administrators have major challenges using their resources efficiently and ensuring school leadership teams have the information they need to make important decisions.

An integrated Skyward SIS and FileBound solution can help eliminate roadblocks in such decision-making processes. For example, when choosing vendors for classroom equipment, you can click through the various companies in Skyward SIS, and FileBound will link the relevant pricing details and contact information for each company, which allows for a direct comparison between the vendors while eliminating the need to spend time and resources on tracking down that information manually.

Adding New Documents Is Simple

The intuitive performance of FileBound makes it one of the most effective document management solutions to integrate with Skyward SIS. The combined solution will eliminate paper copies of numerous documents within a business office and make time-consuming manual searches through thousands of pieces of paper a thing of the past. You’ll also be able to search a database by keyword—like your own in-house search engine!

Customize Documents Simply Within FileBound

Another great benefit of FileBound is it makes it easy to edit your Skyward SIS documents. For example, you can add sticky notes to specific vendor information within the system so that you can record any additional information that might have been gained over the phone or via email.

FileBound’s Three-Tiered Storage System

To help organize the massive amount of data within your Skyward SIS, FileBound software is designed with a three-tiered storage system. This system streamlines both the organization of data and the process of searching for the information. The three tiers are:


Projects include the topic related to your data search. For example, potential projects might include students or vendors.


Separators refer to the nature of your data query. For example, potential separators might include health, admissions, or academic records.


Dividers are the subsets of separators. For example, if you searched for academic records within separators, you might find report cards and teacher comments within the dividers section.

Maintain Strict Data Control

One of the key elements that makes an integration of FileBound with Skyward SIS so successful is that it helps educational leaders maintain strict control over their data. They control who has access to the data, ensuring student and teacher information is secure. This level of control helps school systems comply with strict data protection laws that are emerging at the state and local levels.

Complete Data Control Translates to Increased Productivity in School Offices Throughout the Country

An integration of FileBound with Skyward SIS will help a school system consolidate costs and make more effective decisions. To learn more about a FileBound/Skyward SIS integration for your school system, contact Imaging Office Systems today.
